
We established words as a collection of symbols meant to convey information in the form of meaning. Since we also established that “meaningless words” are not actually words then every collection or sequence of symbols that convey meaning are considered as words.

Focusing our attention on individual words for a moment, we can see words written with different fonts are read and considered the same. This difference may be a subtle one if we only look at noncursive latin fonts, however if we examine cursive and/or semitic languages, Arabic for example, we notice the difference can be extreme.




Yet despite this, everyone fluent in Arabic can read both words with ease and recognize them as the same words. This is all due to the fact that when we are reading a word, we are actually comparing it (in our minds) as an entire picture to the words (picture of other words) we have stored in our subconscious. What is interesting is that some letters can look very different sometimes as we have shown above, so how then can our minds still recognize those words? The reason, our minds doesn’t only compare each letter (image) to letter (images) in our head, but our mind also compares the relative appearance of these letters. This means we compare the differential of an image as well.

So instead of comparing X1 to Y’s (pictures of X’s in our heads) and X2 and X3 to the Y’s, we are comparing Z1 as D(X1,X2,X3) to a corresponding list in our heads. This is interesting, because it shows that despite the number of possible comparisons increases as a permutation, It makes the process of recognizing the word is actually improved. This is due to the fact that if you are looking at a word with a strange font designed to make the word difficult to distinguish, the act of “EXPECTING” a word places a limit on the possible values in your head. In other words, if you are looking for the word made up of 3 letters, your mind compares how the 3 letters look together to the list of 3 letter words that you know. And the number of 3 letter words that one knows are usually much less than what is statistically possible to make with 3 letters.

This is evidence that our expectation limits our understanding of meaning. Because you have limited your understanding (distinguishing ability) to a list of meanings and their corresponding words.

1.       So if you expect to already know everything I am teaching here, you will not understand anything I am trying to teach. So you must read everything with a head looking to learn (establish meaning) not compare it to (previously established meaning) as its means of understanding the material.

2.       You must keep an open mind. As in you must be open to accept anything as long as it can be proved, and I have already taken the liberty to set, for myself, the highest standard for truth humanly possible, and I mean that literally. So remember, the higher your expectations are of learning nothing new, the more narrow minded you’ll be WITHOUT RECOGNIZING IT! Unless you are aware of your internal mind going through the list of words to find a match when you read the paper (and you’re not), then this narrow mindedness will go unnoticed by you and will only be revealed when it manifests itself with misunderstanding of something despite my use of perfect logic at every point I am making.

3.       Since God’s guidance is crossed over two dimensions of space and time, drawing the parallels with concepts here gives logical grounds for “some leniancy” in understanding/accepting numbers serving as signs.

a.       1/letters

Established-Allows rounding numbers and/or meaning to make it fit

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